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Johnny You
25 Mar 2025 4:37 am
25 Mar 2025 4:37 am
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
1,835 posts
*Huey » Yesterday, 5:25 pm » wrote: Basic training 1983, 17 years old, had to bo thru the CS gas chamber (or as BV claimed, the CV gas chamber) a number of times in one day.  The gas is more concentrated than outside and it sucks.  You go in 10at a time and if one ****** (Bv Type) bolts all have to go thru again.  We had one BV type who kept bolting.  I cam out the third time, how snot to my knees, couldn't't see, and a 6' 4 drill Sgt telling me I had to go thru again.  I said no.  He told me again.  I said no again.  He started to read me my rights and at 17n I wan't going to argue any more.  BUT, we decided we would grab the BV type and when we took off the mask we would hold the **** until the Drill said we could go.

No more gas chamber that day.  THat is how you deal with BV type Pussies.
All you went thru and Freedom and Rule of Law have been sold to the devil cheap.  A coworker coordinates with a charity to help vets. The morale of the heroes in the after action he helps are extremely disturbed by the Trump admin's policy.

I thank you for your service. To be honest, I don't think I would have survived submariner duty whether they let me take a bong in the tube or not. It was offered on receiving a degree in Nukular and supposedly with rank on entry.  I am sure I would have phucked up in port and gotten discharged or dead. You probably hate the Navy.  Alas, I wish I could say my party days are over.  Our Domecile of Fiesta has transformed into a nursing home and I still escape reality too much.
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